![]() 01/14/2014 at 11:57 • Filed to: relocationlopnik | ![]() | ![]() |
Attention in the following areas: New Orleans, Denver, Miami, or the "other" Portland (OR). My crazy ass is selling off most of the cars, bikes (the ones that can be replaced), and moving on from the state of Maine this year. I will be visiting Nola 8-11 of February, Denver/Ft Collins looking like March 2-4 , the other 2 I will be considering in the following month/s. I lived in Denver, really liked it. Know there is some OPPO crowd out there. Anyone want to tell me why I would love their city, or make a stated intention to go get a beer when I visit? Any places I missed that I should consider?
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Are you poor or under the age of 30 and looking to retire? Portland may just be for you. All others should just make a day trip of it to see the absurdity or just watch a few episodes of Portlandia to get the gist.
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Evansville, IN...
Well, most of A League of Their Own was filmed here. Ummm...we have a big river to look at. There used to be a Chrysler plant here I do believe. Toyota has a big plant a little north of here. They used to build boats (LSTs) and I think some sort of airplane here during war times. We have a river boat casino, and a horse track is just across the bridge in KY.
I am sure I am forgetting some stuff.
So...yeah...that's that.
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I was through Portland around 10 years ago on a road trip. Honestly the only reason I consider this is because I have some friends there, and I see more crazy and cheap cars there than anywhere. Is the kids with no job that all over the place out there? I remember seeing an awful lot of skinheads
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Detroit area.
because CARS
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haha does that classify as "Kentuckiana"
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Cold beer, fit women, mountains, just three reasons to love Colorado
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You just making a big extended road trip or are you moving permanently?
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permanent. I will be renting my house up in Maine, so I will always have the option to go back, but I am looking for the move. Stuck in one place too long
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NO! There is a river between us and Kentucky. Luckily, Kentuckians are too dumb to learn how to swim, so they can only cross via the bridge!
(it is a joke, calm down...just a little friendly state rivalry)
But there did used to be a diner/greasy spoon in downtown Evansville called that, probably for that reason.
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I will throw my hat out to Vegas.
I personally don't know you, your habits, or your line of work so this may be a really good option or a really bad option.
I too am from the east coast originally (RI) and I had NEVER remotely considered Vegas as a viable, or good place to live. I had a friend move out here after college, and upon loosing my job back east due to injury, recovering, looking for a job to no avail, my friend convinced me to come check the area out.
He showed me around the area, the things that locals do (i.e. AVOID THE STRIP), and all the area had to offer, and I was hooked. Found a job and two weeks later I was moving across the country.
Now if you have a penchant for gambling, or an addictive personality, this is not the city for you.
That being said; if you have self control, this city offers a little bit of everything. Surrounded by mountains (Mt. Charleston is 13,700 ft and just 30 min outside the city) for hiking, big rocks for climbing, skiing in the winter months (spring mountains have "Las Vegas Ski" about 45 min away), golf year round, great roads (driving and just in general), great weather (sure it 100* but its also 6% humidity, and that makes it feel like 75* back east), the lake is 40 min away for boating, I could go on and on but you get the idea.
We also have an incredibly low cost of living. Making $30,000 a year is like making $40,000 a year anywhere else. This is due in part to the fact that we don't pay state income taxes.
The city is currently growing (yes, our economy is already turned around), and the crime rates are not as bad as you may expect, inner city, sure, but many of the outer laying areas have low crime rates.
If you do think its even a remote possibility and would like to visit, just let me know, I would be glad to take some time and show you around.
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you know, it has crossed my mind. I do work in automotive advertising at an executive level. Sure I could find a job. Besides I love the whole urban exploration opportunity. My girlfriend would love that too. We go on road trips and all she wants to do is go check out abandoned houses
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I remember it well. I would want another series IIa Landy if I moved back out. Is the ratio of women to men in Denver still like 8/10?
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Oh nice, those are some good options. I've been to all of those places, definitely spent the most time in Denver and it tops my list of those mentioned. It's got a great mix of weather, actually didn't find it as unbearably cold because the air is more dry. Good beer, lots to do, great option, sounds like you already know that.
Miami, meh. Unbearably hot for a few months of the year, but pretty nice the rest. The scenery (both car and female) is outstanding, but I would never want to live there. Perhaps some who have can say for sure, but I felt it too pretentious and way too image conscious for me (and I'm in pretty good shape).
New Orleans I can't say for sure, I've only ever been to Bourbon Street area. Oh my God it's fun, as much fun as Vegas or any other city I've been to with an open liquor carry law. I really enjoyed my trips there, can't say what it's like to live there.
Portland is awesome, more bars per street corner than most cities I've been to. It's pretty "crunchy" maybe more than Denver (think "Boulder") but the people were very nice and I really liked it. Only spent a few days there but loved it.
If you're talking West Coast, San Diego may be one of the best cities I've been to. It's big, but not that big. The weather is perfect, but it's not cheap (see above). I have always enjoyed my trips there and have 2 friends who relocated there and love love love it. San Francisco area is similar in a sense (nice, expensive, etc.), but without the amazing weather.
I don't really like cold weather, but Chicago is an awesome city. Wouldn't live there (because below zero) but when it's warm, I haven't seen a cooler city. Such a fun atmosphere, it's like NYC but smaller and cleaner.
I hear good things about Austin, TX, never been. Over that way, I like the Phoenix area. It's pretty sprawling though and the ancillary cities (Tempe, Scottsdale, etc. are where you would like better than downtown PX). Same as Miami, but dry. Awful temps a few months a year and then nicer the other months. Scottsdale has a great car scene as I'm sure you know.
That's about it, good luck!
Oh, I'm in the DC area and love it. Professionally it's got a lot of opportunity depending on what you want to do. But we get ALL three seasons in full which sucks sometimes when it's super hot and humid or super cold and damp.
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If you are right in downtown Portland or on the east side of the river near Gresham is bad. The suburbs just outside of Portland on the west side are not that bad. I live about 15 out west of Portland in the Beaverton/Hillsboro area. The car scene is great here. All kinds of things happening and going.
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Colorado - legal weed, great beer, amazing scenery, friendly people, lots of old cars. I think you have your answer.
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Why a city?
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Also what cars are you selling
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There are a lot of unemployed hipsters and stoners with the occasional gang banger thrown in. Like most places there are really bad areas and nicer areas. Now that California stopped feeding their homeless and giving away free medical there has been an influx of low income Californians coming up to get Oregon's services, so that's changing the demographics a bit. There are still really upper scale areas too, but the pricing is way outside the regional averages for property and such, so they are somewhat frozen in time.
If you liked the area I would suggest either living on the Washington side in Vancouver or somewhere outside Portland proper, but that's me. Some people love it, the rest of us just live at a safe distance and observe.
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I was out there last month, and have spent both the tourist strip style visit, and the suburban style visit. I have an executive level marketing position, and dont mind taking a peg or 2 down from that. Funny I am from southern CT, not far from RI.
Last time I was out there in 5 days, I laid $20 on the table and won $60 and walked. If that says anything about my gambling problem :)
I might just be out there to see. I have had thoughts of it in the past. No interest in the Strip at all, but have met some really real people out there. Possibility
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oh damn! yeah I have a dealer I work for over the border there that uses that tag line all the time. Bothers the hell out of me
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couple Alfas, Peugeot turbos, couple early Vespas
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usually I like to go live in a city, then find the rural place outside the city to lay down roots. But good question regardless
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Are they in Henderson, Owesnboro, or Louisville? (trying to think of the cities in KY that are close to the river and across from Indiana)
Evansville is just across the river from Henderson KY.
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yeah agreed on all counts. Lived in Denver for 3 years and totally loved it. Chicago I love because all my old school German people are out there making good food and being cool, and I have alot of friends that have settled there. Miami was tossed out there by my girlfriend, I countered with St. Petersberg, which is also an option. I hate fake looking or acting people and Miami is rife with it. SD I was out in very briefly but my brother lives right up the coast in LA. You just "expanded my mind". thanks driver!
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I suppose that is a good series of events.
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I saw in another post you are in automotive marketing, I don't know about those options out here, however, marketing is essentially what this city was founded on, so I doubt you would have a difficult time finding good work out here should you need to.
Also, I think you should call this gambling hotline...
Most of us locals have the same train of thought on the strip; no thanks. Usually on go down there for 3 reasons: Work, family / friends visiting dragging you down there, or a nice meal (most of the high end eateries are on the strip).
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Denver. Nowhere else is there a greater range of driving roads. High Plains Raceway is right down the street, as well is PPIR. We have arguably the best beers in 'Murrica. Weed is legal if that is your schtick. Since the stoners can smoke all they want, they tend to stay off the roads and bake in the comfort of their own homes. Also you're already grabbing a beer with me, good sir.
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Outstanding, the world (....US) is your oyster. I've been within 3 hours of where I live now my whole life so I love the idea of picking up and moving somewhere else. Good luck regardless.
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I took my friend out to Battistas Hole in the Wall for his birthday. That is as Strip as I ever need to go, and I loved it! I have a background in travel marketing too, am an ASE certified mechanic with a background in Mercedes, Alfa, Peugeot, Ferrari, VAG, Volvo and SAAB. I wont struggle to find a job!
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I think for what I like out there I could be anywhere Pac NW and still get the cool old car thing going on. Are you right in Portland?
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bet your ass. Truth be told I am keeping an open mind, but this is likely the place I will land
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I'm down south. Each time I move I try to make it farther and farther away from people, but then the wife prefers to be in town, so we compromise but I gain a few miles of distance each time. Eventually I will live on a mountain with my car collection in peace, only coming down to attend race events and car meets.
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Move to Canada. Pay lots of taxes. Get good healthcare. Be eaten by polar bear.
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yeah I believe so, think I saw that it was 52%w/48%m
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awesome, the girlfriend is coming with, but it is a straight open relationship so that is good to know
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Gotta stop in Kansas City and get you some BBQ.
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been there, done did that. No doubt I will be stopping through for some more. Missouri side scares me though, is this correct? KS side is a bit better?
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Well.... KC,MO and KC,KS are both "not the best places" -
Make your way South of downtown to Johnson County - you wont feel the need to lock your doors. Stick to the South and West side of Kansas City - KS side and you will be fine lol
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When you're in Nola, make sure you get the turtle soup at the Palace Cafe, and the muffaletta at Cochon. And a haircut at Greg Dulli's place, the R Bar - also $5 for a PBR tall boy and shot of Jameson there. And a cool place to stay supposedl (hotel above it). Good times/deal.
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what is this Greg Dulli barbershop place? I may never leave. One of my heros in the 90's, in a weird way. Not forgetting an email out to you either!
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Research Triangle area, NC - Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill. 2 hours to the coast, 2 to great driving roads in the mountains, three major universities and a MESS of smaller ones. Four seasons without extremes, a slew of craft brewers, surprisingly diverse with large Chinese, Indo/Pak, Thai populations. Reasonable taxes too. Less crazy fuckers than Florida.
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Oh, and a shop in Raleigh that freakin' knows how to work on Peugeots and Citroens...
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dude I have to research this more
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well those are my brands, and I am still ASE certified. Wonder if they need some talent
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Want a referral? LOL
I'm in automotive advertising in the metro detroit area. I'm at my 3rd major ad agency now...
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Wouldn't surprise me if he did...he does pretty much only imports...
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um what level? We do tier 3 stuff mostly, some regional. I am sure you must be tier 1 being in Detroit. I hold the position of Director of Digital Marketing. This could sway me if I could move parallel. I also have stellar references from DDB in Chicago
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send me the shop name, but I seem to remember hearing about them
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You wouldn't get in at that level here, it's too small of an agency, we're only at about 175 people. I consider it a "major" because of how high our billings are and that our clients are Ford, Lincoln, and strangely enough Audi.
I started out at Campbell Ewald, then spent a lot of time at Team Detroit/JWT on Ford/Lincoln International.
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Import Car Center on Durant Rd, Raleigh NC
Average high temp here in mid January is 49; yesterday was 60 and I drove my MG. Will be seasonal over the weekend but last weekend it touched 70 degF...not uncommon in January. The icebox last week, however, WAS unusual...freakishly so. Average total snowfall is about 7 inches. And if you play golf (I don't) this is nirvana...Southern Pines is an hour south and has 60+ public courses in that area.
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Oh I didn't think I would get in at that level unless it was an ideal world, but I am sure I would at least get an interview with my experience. Nice thing is about Detroit would be being within a days drive to my family in CT
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Yeah I would imagine CT would be about 11 hour drive or so, maybe 10. I used to go from Michigan State to northern NJ in about 10.5 hours.
Team Detroit is a much bigger group and has a much, much larger digital presence then my current company which is very print biased. If you were considering the Detroit area, it would be my first stop. Campbell Ewald frankly isn't a great place to work (even with the new office in downtown Detroit coming soon)
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well, you certainly have put this on my consideration list. My girl wanted to visit this summer anyhow. If the weather is nice can we take a spin in the Montego?
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Absolutely. I was hoping to do an OPPO Metro Detroit Meet Up this summer.
Metro Detroit is a pretty good area to live in. Housing is relatively cheap too.
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she was also discussing this. We will probably come out with around 40K cash, and I have alot of experience in frame to finish carpentry, masonry, plumbing and electrical, along with my mechanical knowledge and my marketing experience. Would love to snap something up to rehab
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My house in Wayne, MI will be up for sale sometime soon, your welcome to buy that! lol, doesnt need any work but its cheap!
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I appreciate the offer. I like to own it outright and build what I like! that is what I did with the house in Maine. Bought it foreclosed and vacant for 2 years for less than condo money, made it into a $400K thing you would want to live in. 2 acres in portland, 4 bedroom farmhouse from 1820, used to be a cucumber and squash farm, 10 minute bike ride from downtown, custom everything. Paid in full, didnt even borrow to finance construction. Let the rent make me money and I will do it all over again in another town
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You can do that super easily in Michigan.
I'm not sure about taking it to 400k, but you can buy a dilapidated house for 40k to rebuild, those are everywhere.
OK well if you come out in the summer make sure you let me know so we can make some noise in the Montego.
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you bet. I know the market out there wouldnt support 400K, but just something to own and make comfortable. I will surely let you know when we are headed out
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The R Bar and the Royal Street Inn is the Inn and Bar partially owned by Greg Dulli.
Once a week they have a drink/haircut special.
Once a week they have free food.
Every day is a $5 special tall boy PBR can and a shot of Jameson.
Jukebox with a lot of old folk/soul stuff, no Afghan Whigs though. Pretty cool place and one of the few low key/townie sort of places on the edge of the French Quarter.
Figured you were an Afghan Whigs fan, I mean, who plays music in the 90s and isn't/wasn't :-)
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I am waiting to get a haircut then!
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I live in Miami and there are a few other Oppos that I have heard of here, but never met any. Miami is a good car city, not only for seeing ridiculous cars on a daily basis but also for owning a car. Cost of living is pretty low compared to other major US cities, so more money for cars and there is no inspection/smog so owning older cars is easier, don't have to worry about being exempt. And if your car is 25 years old you can get a vintage plate which is much cheaper to renew every year (around $30). Insurance is a little high though and some people here don't have insurance so you probably want to carry uninsured motorist coverage if you have something pricey.
If you come to visit, I'll have a beer with you. We can regal in the joys of Peugeot ownership (I assume that is where the 505 in your name comes from. Is that correct? I had an '86 505Sti) If I'm out of town (travel a lot for work) I strongly recommend "The Abbey" as the bar to go to. It's one of the few bars worth visiting in Miami Beach. There are others off the beach that are good too, but The Abbey is the only place that brews their own beer.
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Drive through New Orleans, spend a few days there and move on. Interesting place, must see at 3AM to believe it. One night there was enough for me! Came into the city at about 6 PM and stayed until about 5AM, that was enough for us! Slept the next day and drove across Texas the following night.
The mountains of New Mexico are amazing. Really really enjoyed the area around Silver City, but I don't think there's enough work etc to make a living. I could've spent an extra week there just roaming.